Monday 20 May 2024

In Flames (2024)

Writer-director Zarrar Khan's IN FLAMES, a film that uses magical realist horror in its commentary on the treatment of women in contemporary Pakistan, gets a cinema release from Blue Finch.

Mariam Rizvi (Ramesha Nawal) is a twenty five year old final year medical student living at home with her mother and younger brother. Her grandfather has just died, and this sets in motion a cascade of male persecution, from an unscrupulous uncle determined to steal her mother's property, to random attacks in the street because she is an independent young woman. A relationship with Asad (Omar Javaid) beckons, but this is also destined to end in tragedy. When it does the haunting visions Mariam has been experiencing begin to worsen and that, combined with her family's increasingly dire situation, suggests that everything may well indeed end 'in flames'.

IN FLAMES is powerful stuff, with much to say, and portray unflinchingly, about the treatment of women in contemporary Pakistan. While art house cinema is no stranger to such subject matter, the inclusion of a strong magical realist element makes this stand out in an emotionally charged field. It's extremely well made, written and acted and its numerous festival award nominations (including Cannes) are not surprising. It's also not surprising that IN FLAMES was Pakistan's submission for Oscar consideration last year. It takes a while to get going but if you're in the mood for a serious thought-provoking film about a very serious subject indeed this one's highly recommended. Here's the trailer:

Zarrar Khan's IN FLAMES is out in UK cinemas from Blue Finch Releasing on Friday 24th May 2024 

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