Tuesday 17 September 2024

The Outcasts (1982)

"Welcome Restoration of This Irish Folk Tale"

Because, as writer-director Robert Wynne-Simmons attests in one of the extras on the BFI's new Blu-ray, THE OUTCASTS isn't really a horror film, although it does have horror elements in it. 

We're in 'pre-famine' (again according to the director) Ireland. Times are muddy and grim, especially if you only have and need to get them married off. Hugh O'Donnell (Don Foley) grudgingly agrees to the marriage of one of his, Janey, (Bairbre Ni Chaoimh) to neighbouring farmer's son Eamon (Mairtin Jaimsie). The wedding receives a visit from mysterious fiddler Scarf Michael (Mick Lally) whom people claim has returned from the dead. 

He certainly seems to have some magical powers, and takes a liking to Maura O'Donnell (Mary Ryan), Hugh's least loved daughter who is considered something of an outcast by the rest of the village. He shows her she can fly and they spend the night talking before he disappears and she returns to the village. Famine and pestilence ensue and people believe Maura is to blame for consorting with Michael. Her only salvation may lie in her becoming a true outcast, both from the village and from normal humankind altogether.

Shown on Channel 4 back in 1984 and pretty much unseen since then, THE OUTCASTS has been called 'Folk Horror' due to Robert Wynne-Simmons being the writer of 1970's BLOOD ON SATAN'S CLAW. It's more fairy tale than horror, but one for adults, and in the newly filmed interview here he talks of his frustration with film executives who couldn't understand that fairy tales don't have to be just for children. 

THE OUTCASTS was the first major Irish film for 50 years. Even so it was filmed in 16mm and blown up to 35mm, so even though this is a restoration expect a pleasingly grainy look to the proceedings. Other extras include The Fugitive - an early 8mm Wynee-Simmons project, THE OUTCASTS in Pictures, which is 15 minutes of the director discussing still photographs with Vic Pratt , and the five minute animation The Wanderings of Ulick Joyce. There's also a commentary track from folk horror expert Dr Diane Rogers, who talks about the film, BLOOD ON SATAN'S CLAW and folk horror in general. The disc also comes with an illustrated booklet featuring new writing on the film

THE OUTCASTS is out on Blu-ray from the BFI on Monday 23rd September 2024

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