Saturday 24 September 2022

Jeepers Creepers Reborn (2022)

"Low Budget Horror Reboot. Er...That's It"

"Didn't they make three films about it?" a character says close to the beginning of director Timo IRON SKY Vuorensola's latest movie, doing its best to distance it, RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD-style, from previous films featuring the same character, an anthropoid flying monster in a big coat and hat who chases people using a battered old truck.

There's a grungier, more folk-horror feel to the creature in this one, dragging itself, semi-formed, from the depths of a ruined building, feasting on worms in order to put flesh on its bones and keen, it would seem, to have an heir - hence the title.

There's no Creeper sex in JEEPERS CREEPERS REBORN, by the way, in case you're now expecting it. Instead we follow newly pregnant Laine (Sydney Craven from Eastenders) and her unknowing boyfriend Chase (Imran Adams from Hollyoaks) as the attend the 'Horror Hound' convention, win a ticket to an escape room / ex-haunted house of the Creeper, and have to save themselves from being clawed up and eaten. 

JEEPERS CREEPERS REBORN has suffered a spate of bad reviews, and while it's not completely terrible (the Creeper resurrection at the beginning isn't at all bad), the sequence at the festival does become rather interminable, and this may be the film with the most use of green screen to be seen in cinemas this year. The film's exteriors were filmed in the US and interiors at the Black Hangar Studios in Alton in the UK, which might even be why the final act feels like an amusement park ride. There's not much of the humour seen in IRON SKY but fans will be pleased with the off the cuff bit of dialogue referencing the director's debut feature. Anyway, here's the trailer:

Timo Vuorensola's JEEPERS CREEPERS REBORN is getting a cinema release on Saturday 24th September followed by 

Digital, Blu-ray and DVD releases on 

Monday 10th October 2022

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