Saturday 16 September 2023

Calvaire (2004)

"An Everyday Story of Belgian Country Folk"

Known on its original release in English-speaking territories as THE ORDEAL, Fabrice du Welz's entry into the 'New French Extremity' subgenre is getting a digital re-release from Blue Finch.

It's close to Christmas and Marc (Laurent Lucas), a travelling entertainer, bids farewell to the old folks' home that was his last venue, and the nurse who harbours hidden desires for him (a nice little turn from exploitation regular Brigitte Lahaie). On the way to his next gig his van breaks down on a country lane in the middle of the night. He eventually finds his way to a terrifying-looking inn run by Paul Bartel (no, not that one, but presumably a truly bizarre homage).

Bartel gives Marc a bed for the night and promises to get his van fixed. The next morning the local mechanic is apparently unavailable so Bartel promises to have a go himself. Meanwhile Marc goes for a walk through some forbidding grim countryside before witnessing some local farmers engaged in a ritual of disgusting proportions.

I won't spoil any more of CALVAIRE, suffice to say that a terrible fate awaits Marc back at Bartel's Inn, while the local villagers have some even more bizarre rituals that may threaten to cause a giggle as well as a chill. 

        It's likely that's the intention of director Fabrice du Welz. While much of the final act of the film anticipates the territory established (or soon to be) by extreme movies of the period like Aja's HAUTE TENSION (2003), Maury and Bustillo's L'INTERIEUR (2007) and Laugier's MARTYRS (2008), there are moments of grotesque humour here. Be assured, however, that overall CALVAIRE is a strictly grim and downbeat affair that's for fans of extreme cinema rather than the casual horror fan. Let's have a trailer:

Fabrice du Welz's CALVAIRE is out on digital from Blue Finch Releasing on Tuesday 19th September 2023

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