Friday 24 May 2024

Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula (2020)

"Contains No Trains"

At the same time as the classic TRAIN TO BUSAN comes out on 4K in the UK, Studio Canal are releasing its sequel on the same format. There are no trains but there is a boat and some lorries. As for zombies, read on...

The action starts one day after the events in TRAIN TO BUSAN as a family make their way onto a refugee boat headed for Hong Kong. Unfortunately an infected has made it on board, but just when you think this is going to be like the first film but set on a boat (which could have been a lot of fun) we jump forward four years.

The two survivors from the prologue are now illegal immigrants in Hong Kong and get roped into a scheme to recover a lorryload of money from the Korean peninsula (aha!). The baddies have a ship laid on and the team have satellite phones to say when they've located their target and are ready to bring it in. But the place is teeming with infected, plus a community of soldiers who have gone rogue and now play macabre games with anyone they kidnap.

As PENINSULA progresses there are scenes and sequences reminiscent of Neil Marshall's DOOMSDAY, Lamberto Bava's DEMONS 2 and Zack Snyder's ARMY OF THE DEAD. At no point is there anything especially reminiscent of the original TRAIN TO BUSAN. Whether or not you enjoyed those other films will give you a good idea of if you're going to enjoy this. Either way at 116 minutes PENINSULA is about half an hour too long and has a climactic chase that goes on for ages. 

Unfortunately this all allows plenty of time for your attention to wander and start asking questions like why haven't the zombies rotted away to nothing over four years, and how is the little girl in this is so chipper and giggly when all she has known in her short life is a harsh and violent apocalyptic wasteland.

Studio Canal's 4K disc comes with four featurettes on the making of the film, which total just over eight minutes, plus a trailer. 

TRAIN TO BUSAN PRESENTS PENINSULA is out on 4K UHD from Studio Canal on Monday 27th May 2024

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